The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) held its 10th Plenary Meeting in Bonn from 10-12 October 1995 to review and strengthen its efforts to prevent missile proliferation. Delegations from 27 countries*, including for the first time the Russian Federation and South Africa, took part in the Plenary. The meeting was chaired by Ambassador Adolf von Wagner, Deputy Director General in the German Federal Foreign Office.
The MTCR was established in 1987 with the aim of controlling exports of missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons as well as the relevant technology. In 1992 controls were extended to include missiles capable of carrying chemical and biological weapons.
Partners continued the expansion of MTCR membership by admitting Brazil.
MTCR Partners reaffirmed their commitment to controlling exports in order to prevent the proliferation of delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction. They also reiterated their readiness for international co-operation in peaceful space activities consistent with Regime policies. The Bonn Plenary amended the MTCR Equipment and Technology Annex to the MTCR Guidelines for sensitive missile-relevant transfers in the light of technical development.
Partners also discussed missile-related aspects of regional tensions and the role of the Regime in contributing towards reducing associated risks to security in the areas involved.
MTCR Partners ill increase their efforts to develop a dialogue with countries outside the Regime in order to encourage voluntary adherence to the MTCR Guidelines and heightened awareness of missile proliferation risks.
Partners noted with satisfaction a continuing readiness by non-member countries to observe the MTCR Guidelines. Partners call on all other states producing or trading in missile-relevant equipment and technology to do likewise.
* Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America.